Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

You’ll Be REPLACED..Unless You Become a YouTuber4 min read

“I visualize a time when we will be to robots
what dogs are to humans”

~ Claude Shannon

This time will come sooner than you think.

Maybe 10 years, before you feel fears.

Maybe next year if you are a software engineer.

Or a month before you start your job hunt.


When your job, company, or service is replaced by artificial intelligence, you will face the question:


“What do I want to do with my life?”


But why wait to ask this question, my friend?


Why beg AI to spare you?


If you can already ask what you want to pursue,

After robots take your job interview.



“Should I become a YouTuber / Artist / Creator?”


That is the question I want to unpack in this video.

By the way, I am Jordan, 23 yrs old, did over $4M in Revenue,


Hired over 50 people and make videos on YouTube since 2012.


I share this because you have been conditioned to care about numbers and appearance.

But the truth is that it is effectiveness > appearance what works.


So what is effective?


When you get out of life what you want.

That is an effective life, isn’t it?


The truth is that nobody asks themselves WHAT they want in life.


But I won’t ask you to pause reading here and ask yourself the question:

“How can I stop wasting time?”


Because the serious individual already does this.

And it is not about asking this question as a ‘doing’ and as a checkmark on your to-do list.


It can be a long journey before you find answers.

So it is about that INNER FLAME of really wanting to know.


It took me a long time before I found some clarity.

And it has become clear to me that creating will help me remove the ‘need’ for money with little waste of time, because I hit 2 birds with 1 stone.


Self-Mastery & Financial Freedom are the birds.

My creation process is the stone.


Growing my personal brand through writing, art & film will solve the ‘need’ for money.


Through my writings, I finally see things for how they are.


I want to stop wasting time.

I want to understand life.


So how to know if you should become a creator too?


First of all, there is NO ‘should’.


I am not here to convince you.

Convincing you by sharing ‘information’ will not strike your heart.

Inspiring you with emotional stuff, may reach your heart, but I have no interest in that.


For it is still convincing.

And the artist doesn’t need to be convinced.


Artists, create art.

Creators, create.

Writers, write.

I don’t have a choice.

This is how I feel.


I feel there is no way for me to go back.

After I made some realizations.


No way back to the boring chase of money.

No way back to being lived by the mind.

No way back to materialism.


Let’s be honest.


If you are reading this, there is a part of your heart that is consumed by the idea of ‘creating’ or if you are already doing it ‘fully devoting yourself to your work’, becoming one with it, so to speak.


You may ask yourself:

“What’s holding me back?”


To me, the opinion of others was one of them.

Or the illusion that friends, family and acquaintances ACTUALLY cared about my work.


If I had seen through this illusion, I would have never stopped creating after I started in 2008.


May you see through this illusion.

Don’t ask me how.


If your desire is there, you will expose your face on social media, share your writings, sing on livestreams and see for yourself that:

NOBODY CARES about you, only about themselves.


So do you let fear withhold you from a life without waste?

Do you let your mind control you, like AI controls the Robots?


AI generated people may find a way to your heart,

But they will never have a heart.


Therefore they will never create pure art.

Only information, that will never reach the heart.

So if your heart is telling you to create.

What do you want to create?


Create THAT.


Please do NOT let the mind interfere.

It will come up with plenty of reasons not to…


…the algorithm this.

…my niche that.


F*ck your niche.

Shakespeare did not have a niche.

So why do you?


It reminds me of a poem I wrote:


Escape the golden cage

So you can finally be fully engaged

For once in your life completely immersed

Smiling at the niched, not knowing they’re cursed

Just expose yourself and your books will be on everyone’s shelf

Because true artists are rare, the world craves their content

In Dutch, we say, when the need is greatest, salvation is near

Maar alleen als je hard genoeg rent

So run away from the crowd, just give yourself permission: “it is allowed”


You may want to watch this video where I go in depth about it.


NEVER compromise on the purity of your creations.


For the impurity of your work, creates a greater dissatisfaction within you that any other job can.


Stop wasting your time my friend.

Find out what you want to create.

Whether it is a book.

Whether it is a painting.

Whether it is a car.

Whether it is a film.








That is the question I leave you with.

Forgive me for the untrue & possibly fearful title.

It has gotten you to this end.

And it may start the search within the serious person.


A lifelong search.

From waste.

To freedom.


Talk soon.



Here’s my poem about the essence of it all.


Creators Find Yourselves Before AGI Arrives


Artificial intelligence, AGI, not far away,

A matter of time, before it comes, the day.


To the unserious, a day of depression.

To the serious a day with a question:

“What do I really want in my life? What is my obsession?”


But why wait with asking that question, friend?


Let’s not pretend.

Let’s not depend,

On Elon Musk, Sam Altman,

Microsoft and Google.


Find out already,

What is in your heart ready,

Ready to be released.


Not GPT-5 or AGI,

But what you can’t stop yourself from releasing until you die?


Full Message Here (when released):

PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it. Feel free to send me an email at or DM me on social. I don’t ask for money but only respond to serious people.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.