Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

Will You Be Replaced..Unless You Become a YouTuber?5 min read

“Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
~ Pablo Picasso

AI will force your neighbors to make a YouTube channel.

Artificial Intelligence will make your parents start creating content.

If you don’t create your own art your life will become meaningless when the governments introduce a UBI (Universal Basic Income).


Are these statements true?

Is it wise for you to expose your TRUE and VULNERABLE self to the world?

Could it be that we all think our life callings are different, but come from the same roots?


The roots of the same tree…


The Tree of Art.

The Art of Writing?

The Art of Singing?

The Art of Filming?

The Art of Speaking?

The Art of Creating Something YOU would do for free?

The Joy of Playing even though there will be AI & Robots you can use to cheat?


Let’s talk about it.


By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan, 23 years old, making videos on YouTube since 2012, have done over $4M in Revenue, hired over 50 people, and found out that these things actually do not matter at all.


What matters to me is finding the truth about real problems and questions in my life. I do this through my unique writing process and share them here with you.


Remember that feeling when you were young?

On the Nintendo, or Gameboy, or Playstation, or Xbox and you turned on cheats.

Exciting at the beginning, but quickly extremely boring.

You lost all interest.

Boredom kicked in.


Could it be that AI will increase the level of boredom in people, in you?

Could it be that the more AI advances, the more bored you will feel?


After all…

You may have much more quiet time without a job…

You may experience more silence without a company to run…

You may feel more empty with a Universal Basic Income…


What game would you keep playing, even when cheats are available?


What game would you choose to play, without cheats?


Could it be the game that made you UNDERSTAND more about your life?

Could it be the game cover titled: “Realize the truth about your existence.”


And to play this game, you don’t walk around in a 3D map.

Instead, you pick a medium.








And so on.


And that THROUGH this activity you start to make realizations about your life.

Heartfelt, pure realizations about your existence here on earth.

That you start to discover such deep understanding about yourself.


Could THIS be the game you longed for your entire adult life?


Not the Money game, that now feels empty with a UBI.

Not the Status game, that you already know is not what you really want.

Nor the Relationship game, after you realize that nobody else but you can make you ‘happy’.


Could it be that you will NEVER feel hungry again when you taste the sweetness of the Game of Truth? 


After you drank some of its purity? 

After you swallowed some of its life-changing insights? 

That you will NEVER look for Chips again? 


That the whole desire of Netflix & Chill will never come to arise again AFTER you watched the first scene of the Game of Truth?


Could this be true my friend?


That all your problems will start to solve themselves on their own accord.

When you DECIDE to Play the Game of Truth?


And that to play this game, you just have to pick one of the Artist’s tools.

To pick up the controller.

Writing – your hands

Singing – your voice

Painting – your fingers

Acting – your entire body


Your emotions…

Your feelings…

That thing the robots lack.

That thing that makes you feel ALIVE.


So that when you play it, you finally start living.

Not living for…

Not living for Money.

Not living for Fame.

Not living for Respect.





NOT 60 frames per second.

ONE frame at a time, and you FEEL it.

Completely immersed in this Game of Truth.


May pick up that controller my friend.

May you not wait until AI will let you see your current game is useless to you.


You can find out today.

That all the games you’ve been playing were unimportant to you.

That the controller was shoved into your hands by others and you never let go of it.

That all the games you played were chosen for you by your friends, family, and society.


You can see it today…

The game you are playing as we speak…



Whether you stay an NPC.

Or finally start playing.

The game of truth.


May you see it, my friend.

May you see it.


For when you do, AI will just be a detail.

Just an NPC in YOUR GAME.

It can’t hurt you any longer.

For you play a game that can’t be played for you.

AI can’t play the game of truth.

It must be realized by yourself.

There are no cheats in this game.

So you can never ever feel bored again.



Unless you keep BEING PLAYED by your mind.

But that’s a topic I discussed in another video.


So why start a YouTube channel?


I assume you have not yet removed the need for Money in your life.

Out of all Social Media platforms, to the majority, YouTube is the best place to earn.



Because you can build the most trust.

And people buy from PEOPLE they know, like or trust.


And the value of a view on YouTube is worth 2X more than e.g. Instagram




10-Minute YouTube video 

  • 30% Watches entire video
  • Value per View: 10min*30%*10K = 30K Minutes


30-Second Instagram Reel

  • 30% Watches entire video 
  • Value per View: 30sec*30%*100K = 15K Minutes


There’s more I share about it in this video.

But it’s one of the key reasons YouTube can be a place where you share how you completed each level of the Game of Truth.


It allows you to PLAY the Game of Truth.

It allows you to NOT waste your precious time here on earth.

And the only thing you have to do is to RECORD your gameplay.


The words you write.

The song, you sang.

The truth you found.


May you start playing again my friend.


Don’t ask me ‘how’.

Don’t ask ‘where to start’.


The one who wants to play, plays.

The one who realized my message, creates his/her channel.

Or probably clicked on that ‘create your channel’ button when reading this letter.


The one who didn’t either has already found his game to play.

Or keeps being played by the mind.

Keeps listening to limiting beliefs.

Stays trapped until one day AI makes him see his cage.


May you see the cage today.

And start to play the 1st level of the game.

Start to escape the cage.

And never leave the Game of Truth.


Talk soon.



Playing the game of truth ~ Poem


AI is like playing a game with cheats,

It doesn’t take long for you to feel bored, to feel obsolete.

So why play those games, 

The games of money, status, or power, 

Why be an NPC? 

If you can play the game of art and share it for like-minded people to see.


Do you see the games you played were not your own,

That OTHERS chose where you have grown.


Don’t wait for robots to show you this was your way,

You can find your passion’s art TODAY.


Ai can’t recreate your heart’s desire,

Become that artist, who never loses his fire.


Don’t wait for OpenAI or Elon Musk to make you see,

The game you always wanted to play, the one that sets you free.


Full Message Here:

PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it.
Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] or DM me on social.
I only respond to serious people.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.