It’s funny because I was actually postponing writing this piece..
I was thinking, what will I answer to such a question?
Let’s explore the question together.
Why do you postpone yourself?
Why is it such a popular question?
It’s from the famous philosopher, Seneca.
The question seems to be really relevant to a lot of people.
But is it interesting?
Is it interesting to you because you RECOGNIZE you are delaying yourself?
Before we continue, I think it is wise to find out what it really means…
What does it mean to delay yourself? To postpone yourself?
Are you not doing things you think you want to do?
Or the opposite? That you are doing things you do not want to do?
That they do not feel effortless?
It reminds me somewhat of a quote from Naval:
“No one can compete with you on being you.
Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most.”
Work takes up the majority of our lives.
But what if it is actually seen as ‘work’ to you?
If that is seen as effort, then what does this do?
This leaves you with a negative feeling when you are doing it.
And perhaps with the idea that you are postponing yourself.
This is why people are so relieved when it is finally weekend.
Because they can do things in the weekend that do not feel like ‘effort’.
So could it be that we as humans strive to ESCAPE from negative feelings?
And that you believe that the solution is in another job? Or your own company? Or maybe a different business model? Or selling your company? Or retiring under the sun?
All of these cases, leave you with a lot of time…
So then the question becomes…
What are you going to do with all that time…until your heart stops beating?
99% of people have postponed the idea they are going to d!e
Is there not a lot of conflict inside of you, my friend?
That you already know what you *actually want to do in your HEART?
But that your MIND is telling you the opposite? To be realistic? To be rational?
To that, Alan Watts would say…
“It’s better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way.”
Death appears to be the end chapter of our books.
Do we lack the courage to actually do THAT THING we want to do in this chapter of our life?
Or do we lack the courage to STOP DOING the thing we know we really dislike?
Money seems to be a big block for the majority of people.
But what is the truth?
Is money really preventing you? Really?
Aren’t you just comfortable right now, friend?
Or perhaps better said, not uncomfortable enough?
Burn the boats as you enter the island and you will take the island.
~ Napoleon Hill
Humans can take a lot of pain.
Physical pain yes, but more so psychological pain.
And that the truth is that your desire to escape from what you’re currently doing.
Or your desire to actually start doing that thing…
…Writing the song.
…Painting the thing.
That that desire isn’t great enough?
And that the other people around you + the past conditioning, causes you to stay where you are, which makes you feel like you’re postponing yourself.
I’ve talked about it before, here:
People have a great impact on you.
And with great I don’t mean positive.
I also don’t mean negative.
Exposure has great consequences.
What are the consequences of the people around you?
And the ones you listen to online on podcasts, YouTube and so on.
What are the consequences?
Not thinking about good or bad, just what happens when you listen to others?
And not listening in a way where you ‘accept’ their words to be true.
But more so passively hearing what they say.
What are the consequences of that?
Well for 99,99999% of people, it leads them further from the truth.
A lot of beliefs are created subconsciously by passively listening to anyone WITHOUT a filter.
Again, I talk more about it here.
“The following of authority is the denial of intelligence.
It may help us temporarily to cover up our difficulties and problems.
But to avoid a problem is only to intensify it.
And in the process, self-knowledge and freedom are abandoned.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Hearing the opinions of others increases involuntary thought.
Which is the difference between what you feel in your heart and what the mind is shouting at you.
Quit your job <> You can’t afford you nice car, don’t do it.
Fire that employee <> She isn’t that bad, you can change her.
By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan, 23 years old, make videos on YouTube since 2012, have done over $4M in Revenue, and hired over 50 people.
Right now the most important things in my life aren’t those things.
It is finding the truth in everything.
So what is the truth here?
That perhaps life to you is a ratio between how much joy you feel in a day versus how much pain or negative emotion you feel in that day.
Joy : Struggle Ratio
1:3 BAD
2:1 GOOD
Perfection is possible my friend.
Even though you may not remember 7 days in a row where it felt like 3:0, it is POSSIBLE.
But there is nothing to ‘DO’, to make that happen.
There is no ‘HOW’ to stop postponing yourself…
It is about seeing the truth. The urge to see it.
That you are comfortable enough of where you are right now.
And that it isn’t bad…Although you do see it that way, probably.
Perhaps reading this creates a reaction inside of you…
Something like, “THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE”.
If so, maybe it’s time for you to look into this.
To see the truth in your own life.
To stop reading this looking for a new insight.
And instead looking at your own life as if you were a spectator.
Like the 3rd person view in GTA.
To look at the games you’ve been playing.
To look at that man or woman without judgment.
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
~ J. Krishnamurti
If you continue reading without even taking ONE MOMENT to SEE FOR YOURSELF.
That basically proves my point…
That you simply do not want it enough.
And with ‘it’ I mean the stoppage of postponing yourself. Whatever that means to you.
And that THAT is the answer to the question:
Why do you postpone yourself?
Because it’s okay to you.
And that isn’t bad…
Until you are ready to look for the truth in your life, you will feel that way.
Most will never be ready.
“It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
It’s not ‘easy’, but it doesn’t feel like effort either.
The right word may be ‘complex’.
The truth can be very complex at first.
Which means there needs to be a great desire to find it.
And maybe there is a small candle inside of you that lit up while reading this.
Which could grow into a big flame.
That’s the one I am talking to.
You are the one I’m willing to go deep for.
You may be one of the few people on earth who knows there is more than ‘this’.
Talk soon
Here’s my poem about the essence of this letter.
So you can keep postponing yourself for another minute.
Postponing Yourself Poem
In English we say: “We procrastinate”.
In Poetry we say:
Why do we postpone ourselves, why do we delay?
Our hearts feel our faith, but our minds say “nay”.
Why do we wait, day after day?
Putting off dreams for another day.
Life ticks on, while we delay,
“I like my routine”, we often say.
What if we dared to truly live?
Not drive the route of Google Maps,
But walk the road of our hearts, perhaps.
Will we postpone or will we start?
To live the truth that’s in our heart
The choice is yours, to postpone no more,
To start the life your heart longs for.
PS: If you want to work personally with me one on one, physically or virtually, then you can email me ( But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.