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Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

This is your sign to go all in4 min read

Why is it you read this?

Why is this interesting to you?

Do you need a sign to go all in?

And what does “all in” even mean?

Why do you think you want to go all in?

Is it because of money?

Is that the end goal?


Seems to be for most people.


And that you want to go all in because you think it will equal more money sooner or later.

And that you think you need a sign?


Or is it just…


The conditioned belief that going ‘all in’ is good, that going all in equals success.

That going all in means hard work, sacrifice, effort, and doing more than others.


Which could come with a sense of superiority.

But more so, that you’ve been so conditioned to believe that hard work IS the way to success.


And success is what you want after all…


And in order to attain success, you have to work hard.

It CANNOT possibly not feel hard.

It’s out of the mind.



It reminds me of a quote.


“It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.”

~ J. Krishnamurti

I mean nobody has ever said this to you.

And even if they did, you didn’t believe it.

But why?


Why can’t success come easy? Feel easy?

It is because of the conditioning.


Almost 99% of the successful people you’ve seen, that you’ve listened to, that you’ve watched, that you watch almost every day have either told you this, implied this or made you believe this by even the most subtle body language.


Aren’t they all saying that it was hard, that it was painful, sacrifice, bla bla bla?


What if their mouth is the problem?

I mean nobody said it was easy. Right?

I can’t think of one.

There may have been some people.


We are so caught up with the idea that it HAS to be hard.


But could we be sabotaging ourselves?


“Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.”

~ J. Krishnamurti

Aren’t we robbing us of a complete feeling or satisfying feeling?


Because if today didn’t feel hard, then we believe we are not doing enough in order to become successful.


And this will continue until you die.


Because what you think means success CHANGES.


I did over $4M in revenue, hired over 50 people and thought THIS was the ultimate success.

Until I got it, and then…new goals were set.

And the cycle repeats. UNTIL, you become aware.

And find it UNACEPTABLE to play games for ulterior motives.


NOT that you ‘should’.

ONLY if it isn’t a ‘choice’.

Simply unacceptable within you.


If not, just accept the consequences of this cycle.


That you will keep robbing yourself of any effortless feeling that does not equal hard work or sacrifice or pain, because you want to become successful and you think it has to be THROUGH hard work.


So then on the days when you don’t feel like you did hard work, which could be a lot of days…

On those days you don’t feel on the right track to become successful.


But is it true?


Is it the truth that in order to become successful in whatever you want, whatever that means to you, that you need to work hard?

Do you need to sacrifice, and compromise on things?

That it can’t feel joyful?

Is that true?

Or is it just a belief?

What if it was effortless?

Seems to be such a big shift in almost anyone, because work occupies most of our lives.


So if it is not true, this idea that hard work is required in order to get what you want.


That there is a way for you to feel joy and peace, bliss, and balance. 

If you could feel that way while getting what you want, becoming successful.

Then you know that until THAT is seen, that you live in an illusion.

That you live in a lot of unnecessary pain and struggle.


“Tomorrow won’t be any better than today.
Now what?”

~ Naval

What if it is inside of today?


Not a future prize.

3 year goal. 

5 year goal. 

1 year from now. 

10 years from now.


What if it is inside of today?


Not that it is when you step into the Lambo, or get the keys and open the door of your villa, or when you hold your newborn child for the first time.


What if it isn’t about that?

What if you rob yourself of everything there is in life?

That until the belief that hard work = success keeps living, that you will live inside struggle until the day you reach your goal, only to repeat the cycle a day after you set your new goals?


The idea that there is something in the future that will make you feel complete, that you do not have right now.


That today is not complete, but somewhere in the future, you will feel great.

That until you are there, TODAY won’t be worth dying for.


I mean you can die on the day when you have achieved your goal, just before you set your next one, that’s how you will feel, in those moments of greatness.


How about feeling THAT every day, that every day you are okay with dying?

Not that you want to die, but that it is accepted because the day right now is complete.


But this is so far away from the idea that you need a sign to go all in, because money is the most important thing in life. And that in order to make a lot of money, you have to work hard and sacrifice a lot. And that most days don’t feel great, and that doesn’t matter because you shouldn’t care about how you feel. But nobody asked the questions…


How can it all be effortless? How can today be complete?

Talk soon



The Paradox of Hard Work (a poem)


Does success require ‘hard’ work?

When you hear a joke, does it require ‘effort’ to smirk?

Or when she hears the right song, for a woman to twerk?


Could it be that you are blind,

For BELIEVING in this daily grind?


But that TRUE success,

Lies in the key,

To ask yourself: 

“what feels effortless to me?”

And about THAT obsess,

So EVERY day is a success.


Full message here (when released):

If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ([email protected]). But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.