Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

The Truth About Going Through A Breakup7 min read

The truth for anyone who is going through a breakup.


Or has been going through a breakup.

And wants to hear the truth behind his or her feelings.

I’m sure this letter will be different than any video you have watched.


Because I’m trying to find the truth.

By the end of this letter, you will understand why that is so different.


“As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.” ~ Rumi

By the way if you are new here, I’m Jordan, 23 years old, did over 4.5 million dollars in revenue, and hired over 50 people. Only to find out that those things don’t matter to me.

What I care about is the truth.


So what is the truth about a breakup?

Let’s start with the first part that I think applies to anyone who has been or is going through a breakup. The idea that is alive in your mind right now…


That you COULD get back together.


Even though it’s very very small sometimes…

Depending on the person and the situation.

But the POSSIBILITY is there and your mind loves that idea.

We could go into why, but I think it’s very important to understand the truth.


That the idea you could get back together is there even though he or she may already have a new partner. Even though there is something else at play. The idea is there.


Why does this matter?

Because what happens when subconsciously that idea is there and you think about it?

Could it be that there is CONFLICT because of that idea?


Inner conflict because one part of you doesn’t want to be with him or her.

But there is the idea that you COULD…

And some part of you entertains this idea of getting back together, right?

Let’s not beat around the bush.


There are some parts that you really enjoy about getting back together.

Whether it’s the sexual aspect, whether it’s the fear or the actual feelings you feel right now of being alone. Or fear of not finding someone better. There could be so many things. Some part of you likes that idea. Which causes conflict.


Because another part of you wants to move on.


“Be a loving person rather than in a love relationship.

Because relationships happen one day and disappear another day.
They are flowers; in the morning they bloom, by the evening they are gone. 

But people find it very difficult to be a loving person, so they create a relationship.
‘Now I am a loving person because I am in a relationship.’
And the relationship may be just one of monopoly, possessiveness, or exclusiveness.
A relationship may be just out of fear, may not have anything to do with love.
The relationship is needed only because love is not there.
A relationship is a substitute.” 

~ Osho

But there is a bigger thing at play here.

Is getting back together the SOLUTION?

I’m sure you do not understand what I mean here.

Is getting back together the solution?


To find out we must first define the problem, right?


You could say well there is no problem because everyone will die but this is not the reality you live in. You feel pain or you feel unwanted emotions and you want them to stop.


So what is the problem here?

I’m not sure what it is for you.

I’m making assumptions here.

So please ask yourself what is really your problem. Why are you reading this?


Is the problem REALLY that you separated?

And perhaps the solution to get back together?

Or the solution that you should ‘move on’? 

Which is very vague and not practical at all.


Or is it that you want to not feel bad?


That you just do not like the emotion you feel right now?

If so, only the truth can set you free. 

With that I mean, the opposite of the temporary solutions you got so far.

If there is still a part of you that entertains the idea of getting back together.

It is very likely it is due to attachment.

That you are attached to this person.


Let’s try to explain what is meant by attachment.

Because nobody seems to do that.

Attachment seems to be a word that few people understand.


“If they are dependent on each other, clinging, possessive, if they don’t allow each other to be alone if they don’t allow each other space enough to grow, they are enemies, not lovers.

They are destructive to each other.
What kind of love is this?
It may be just fear of being alone; hence they are clinging to each other.
But real love knows no fear.
Real love is capable of being alone, utterly alone.”
~ Osho

What does it mean to be attached to your ex?

Are you attached to a random girl or man you see on the street? Random but attractive.


Are you attached to that person?


Let’s say you start a conversation together.

You give a compliment.

You ask for a number.

Say “I’ll text you”.

And you continue shopping.


Do you now feel attached? Maybe…

Perhaps attached to the idea of going on a date together?


Let’s continue.

You get home, you text him or her.

It leads to asking him or her out on a date.


Are you now attached to this person?

Are you now attached to the idea of going on a date because you have not yet gotten a response?


You are now INVESTED in this idea.

Of going on a date together, perhaps being together someday.


This is really interesting, isn’t it?

I find it interesting.

Because this all happens without your input.


It seems like there is an image created when you first see that person.

Of being together somewhere in the future.

Maybe not visually yet, but the desire has been planted.

You like the idea of being together.


It seems like as time goes on you are more and more invested in all of these ideas of your mind.


So you start dating.

Everything goes great.

You end up sharing the bed and continue dating.


It seems like you get more and more invested into more and more ideas.


At some point you even start to, maybe very quickly, especially if you are already older, get invested in the idea of having kids, perhaps getting married, perhaps, or going on a holiday, or buying your house together.


So are you invested into this person?


But that it is not about him or her?


It’s about the ideas you’ve created for yourself, about the future that hasn’t happened yet.

But you’re so invested in these ideas because you have thought about them for a long time and you really enjoy the possibility of them coming to fruition.


But now that is gone…


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

Well…there is still a possibility, which is why there is conflict inside of you.

Because you love the feeling of those ideas.

The anticipation of the ideas actually happening in the future.

And there is still a chance because you ‘could’ get back together.


So could it be that you do not actually like the PERSON that much anymore, but that you just really like the ideas? I’m asking you, I’m not suggesting anything. Do not believe me.


But if you felt something about what I just wrote…

That’s the truth, I am talking about.

The truth is always felt.


“When you give in love and don’t demand.

When love is only a giving.
When love is an emperor, not a beggar.
When you are happy because someone has accepted your love and you don’t trade love, you ask nothing in return, then you are liberating this bird of love into the open sky.

Then you are strengthening its wings.”
~ Osho 

Here’s another truth.

Are you ready?


As long as you let these ideas come up AND invest in them, you will feel the PAIN when they do NOT happen.


Do you accept this?


Because these are the consequences.

As long as you keep investing in all these perfect relationship ideas and all these things you see online on social media about marriage, relationship, blah, blah, blah, that as long as you keep investing in all of these ideas, you will feel bad every time when the stock market drops.


Even a little bit…

Just look back at your relationship(s).

Maybe you were in a fight, you felt it, it didn’t feel good.

It was a small drop in the stock market.


And of course the big drop of not being together anymore.

You feel it.


“You go on giving love and you don’t have it in the first place.
You go on asking for love from others who also don’t have it.
Beggars begging from beggars.”
~ Osho

Most people can’t bear the pain they feel.

Do you accept this?


Why do I say this and not go meditate so you feel better?

Why do I ask if you accept this?

Instead of telling you how to feel better or how to get over a breakup?


Because it’s not the truth.

Only the truth works.

Just look at your own life.


Meditation only worked during the session, maybe an hour later.

And be honest with yourself.

Any video you watched about relationships or breakups, did they work?

I mean you still feel pain, frustration, anger, sadness, loneliness, and conflict, right?


I’ve only talked about it for a little bit.

I think I hit some important points that apply to most people.

But the truth is complex.

Go into it yourself.


“Love in its purest form is a sharing of joy.” ~ Osho

If you want to work with me one-on-one, physically or virtually. 

You can email me (

But I only work with people to whom money is not a problem and who are serious.

To anyone else, you can get free exclusive access to my writings here.


And perhaps the most important thing you can take away from this.

Is to ask YOURSELF “What is the truth?”


How to know if you have found it?

That’s a good question.

Here’s a good rule of thumb.


If the same thing happens, but you no longer feel bad.

If the same thing happens, but it no longer changes your emotions.


Maybe you leave this letter.



“This isn’t practical!”


That just means you are not serious.

Because if your house was on fire you wouldn’t need to find a tutorial or a method online or manual from IKEA on how to find your way out, would you?

This just means that you are not serious about it.

You do not want it to stop ENOUGH.

That you found some comfort.

Comfort in the sad songs.

Comfort in the memories.

Comfort in the pictures.

Comfort in the crying.

Comfort in the attention of your friends and family.

Comfort in the phone calls talking about the breakup.


You do not want it to stop ENOUGH.


Now do you accept that?


Talk soon


The Truth of Breakups (Poem)

In English we say: “we broke up”


In Poetry we say:


A thought in your mind, 

Of getting back together, you find. 

Possibilities remain, 

A seed of HOPE, but a source of PAIN. 

Attached to IDEAS, NOT the PERSON, 

Future dreams now feel uncertain. 

Conflict brews inside your heart, 

One part clings, one wants to part. 

Invested in a life you planned, 

All slipped right through your hand. 

The truth can hurt, but also set free, 

If only we’d accept what we truly see. 

The truth is complex, yet simple too, 

It’s felt in the heart, when you hear what’s true. 

A breakup’s not just about me and you…


But the ideas we create, and cling to.


Find The Full Message here (when released):

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.