Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

The Power of Writing4 min read

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~ Maya Angelou

Writing has changed my life.

Changed in many positive ways.

I will share the 7 most important ones in this letter.


By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan.

Did over $4.5M in Revenue & hired over 50 people.

And found out that these things actually do not matter.

What matters to me is the truth…


1) It is helping me remove ‘the need’ for money without wasting my time.


Let me explain…


Money is a need unless you are willing to sleep outside.

This is true.


And as we speak, I am not willing to sleep outside and farm my own food.

So I need money to survive.


Wasting time is more personal.

Your definition of ‘waste’ can be completely different than mine.


But is this really true?

Aren’t we all searching for the same thing?

Aren’t we all giving different names to ‘it’, but practically desire the same?






I’m not here to give you an answer,

I’m just raising the question.


To me an effective life,

And a life without waste is:

Getting what I want out of life effortlessly.

Through writing, I hit 2 birds with 1 stone.

Self-Mastery & Financial Freedom are the birds.

My creation process is the stone.


I would be lying to you if I had crystal clear what I want out of life.

But what is true is that through my writing I find understanding.

Understanding what I do NOT want in life.

Which brings me closer to what I DO want.

THIS is true for me.


And I think for you too, isn’t it?


You are unserious if you believe me.

You are serious if you ask yourself.


I won’t go into depth on the financial aspects of writing in this letter.

But if you are serious you can follow my journey as a creator and find practical marketing secrets on this channel.


2) You are your best guide

Let me explain…

There are many coaches.

There is a plethora of mentors.

But most of them won’t help you.

Because they are not walking the same path as you.

And they probably have not understood how their own mind works.

And therefore all they will give you is perishable advice.

It doesn’t last.


This is what I found to be true for ≥ 90% of the advice out there.

But as always, ask yourself.


And when you do, you may see that you have this thing we call ‘memory’.

I will speak about it as ‘context’.


You have sooooo much ‘context’ about your life.

More than anyone else, right?


Every time you ask someone else for help, they need this ‘context’.

The more ‘context’ they have, the better they can help you, correct?


Why waste all this time giving as much context as possible to others, my friend?

If you can guide yourself?


Where there is a will, there is a way.

If you think you need someone else’s experience and advice to help you,

Then think about how limiting this actually is.

Because this person can only give advice from his specific situations, in his specific region, in his specific industry, etc.


This is not always true.

There is ‘universal’ understanding.


But you have to have ‘jaguar-like’ eyes & ‘owl-like’ ears to FILTER the crap from the gems.


Do you understand?

Words are powerful.

Exposure is powerful.

So I expose my mind.


3) As I see the words appear, I expose my mind

What do I mean?

Well, you are talking to yourself the whole day, right?

This inner voice is doing more harm than good lately, isn’t it?

Exposing the mind has many consequences for the serious person.

Try out for yourself to find out…


Exposing this voice and all the crap it says, helps me SEE it.

I become AWARE.


And this is the first step towards understanding.


4) After I write, I understand more about my life

The more I understand about my life.

The calmer it gets.

Which seems to be what I want.


5) Writing is a medium through which I find peace

I assume you have a negative association with writing because you HAD TO DO IT.

At school…


Changing this around will happen naturally the more you write.

And as always ‘starting’ seems more difficult than anything else.


But I won’t tell you to ‘start’ writing because everyone in your life and on social media is already telling you to finally start.

And you didn’t start…right?


After I started writing, I noticed I felt calmer.

I find more peace.


And naturally, I started to write more.

I found more joy in the moments I wrote.


I even woke up a few times when I just HAD to write.

I woke up with complete stories that I just had to type.


6) Writing has far-reaching, holistic consequences

You write every day, right?

…on your phone

…on your laptop

…in your email

…in your WhatsApp


Writing is a skill.

It is a skill that you can use for the rest of your life.


Writing is something I can (hopefully) do until I die.


This is powerful.

Because there are very few things I found to be ‘doable’ until my deathbed.


And so far I’ve always come to the conclusion that I want to ‘do’ at least 1 thing until I die.

Writing could be this ‘thing’.


Instead of retiring as a professional athlete and feeling lost…

I can hopefully write until I die.


7) My oral communication has become much better (as an introvert)

I put this at number 7 because it is less interesting to me.

Nonetheless, it is a noticeable change in my life.


And to you, oral communication might be important if you are around people a lot.


I prefer aloneness.

For many reasons, I won’t go into this letter.

But every time I talk with others, I can better communicate ‘my understanding’, which makes them understand too.


It may befit you to read that again.

This may be one of the profound essences of oral communication.


Through writing, I have explored the depths of my own questions and problems.

When similar topics arise in a conversation, I notice myself being able to express my understanding with more clarity.

If this seems like a benefit to you, writing can help you.

I did not write this letter to convince you.

The serious individual does not need to be convinced.

The serious is serious.

Writers, write.


If you start writing after this, it’s not because of this letter.

It’s because you wanted to do it all along, and you probably can’t stop yourself from doing it.


Talk soon



The power of writing (a poem)

In the power of writing, burning bright.

I found some solace, a guiding light,

For in the dance of letters, I found release,

A symphony of thoughts, a sense of peace,


Losing myself in my own creation,

Lies a path to self-revelation.


So let your fingers dance, let the pages turn,

In the power of words, let wisdom burn,

For in the power of writing, I’ve found my way,

To understand more about life, a play every day.


Watch The Full Message here:

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.