“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”
~ Bill Watterson
I wish I knew the meaning of life before I wasted more than 10 years of my life.
By the way if you’re new here, I am Jordan, 23 yrs old, did over $4M in Revenue,
Hired over 50 people and make videos on YouTube since 2012.
And I noticed more people are searching for purpose in life…
Now more than ever…
With AI likely taking over the majority of jobs AND companies in the next decade…
We will see a lot of people who will try to find their purpose in life with all the free time they have.
Have YOU ever stopped to really question the meaning of life?
The pursuit of success, wealth, fame, status, and legacy.
Is that truly what life is all about?
Do you hold the belief that writing a book will give you a legacy?
Do you think money will solve your problems? Or at least make your life happier?
Do you think the event of becoming a father or a mother will be the best decision in your life?
These are things I BELIEVED.
But I no longer want to believe.
I want to know the truth.
So what is the truth about the meaning of life?
Could it be that there is a different perspective about your own life that nobody has ever told you?
What if there is?
And what if it is true?
Will you accept it?
Or will you run away from it?
The unserious person will stop reading here.
And you know if you are unserious if you feel spoken to.
I mean it.
I refuse to talk to unserious people.
To the few serious people who are still here…
Let’s discover the truth together.
The truth about the meaning of life.
Don’t believe me.
Question everything that comes next for yourself.
Because if you believed I was your loyal husband or wife, but realized at the very end of your life that I was sleeping with your best friend every once a week, you would be devastated, wouldn’t you?
You can avoid this pain, by merely seeing my words as inspiration.
Interpret them in a way, that makes you leave without questions, other than questions for yourself.
In a way where you can see reality for yourself.
With that being said.
Could it be that by attaching meaning to our pursuits, we’re actually robbing ourselves of the joy and playfulness they could bring?
For instance…
Have you ever experienced the freedom of engaging in something PURELY for the sake of the experience itself?
It reminds me of a quote from Naval:
“What feels like play to you, but work to others?”
Like playing piano without playing the full song?
Like training in the gym without looking in the mirror?
Or like walking outside, without following a path, instead being led by your intuition?
Not trying to get somewhere…
Not trying to get something…
Isn’t this reality my friend?
“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, it’s a reality to experience.”
~ Frank Herbert
Could it be that you are constantly doing something with the thought that you may get something from it in the future?
While being unaware of it…
That you are reading this with the thought that you will be smarter afterward?
If so, don’t you see that becoming smarter is insignificant?
That everything you may gather or become in the future is insignificant?
And that the joy of the experience right now may be the only thing there is?
For all the others are an illusion?
Think about it…
Let’s look at nature.
Natural disasters, clear skies, and sunsets happen without meaning, right?
And they happen regardless of your wishes and expectations, right?
You hope for good weather, but it rains on your birthday…
You see?
Nature can be experienced.
But it can not be controlled.
If you expect something from nature, the consequence will inevitably be pain.
For it does what it does.
Sometimes according to your expectations. Sometimes not.
But never BECAUSE of your expectations.
Understand this: Nature does what it does DESPITE your hopes.
Nature doesn’t care, so why do you?
It can’t be persuaded like how you persuaded your father to get what you wanted as a kid.
When you do no longer see tornado’s, earthquakes and tsunamis as ‘bad’.
And sun, rainbows and clear blue skies as ‘good’.
You may see the beauty in it all.
You may see the truth of nature’s nature.
And you can experience it.
And find joy in both rain and sunshine.
For you see that it means nothing and one is not better than the other.
EVEN if nature kills you or your loved one’s.
Do you see that it does not hold significance?
Because one day you will die.
It can be 50 years from now.
Or today.
But it will happen.
So if you desire 10 more years to live, so that you can ACHIEVE some success…
To show your family, friends, and the world what you can DO…
To GET the things you think you want, the cars, the house, the yacht, the jet, the trophies, the family, the wife/husband, the love…
Then you have yet to see the insignificance of all of it.
“When You’re Finally Wealthy
You’ll Realize It Wasn’t What
You Were Seeking In The First Place”
~ Naval
Whether you see the insignificance of your life or you don’t, I will state the truth:
The only meaning I will ever find in life, is the one I give to it.
And if I see significance in for example my writing, I have created an illusion.
And this illusion is not bad, but it will lead to pain because writing my letters can GIVE me nothing but the joy I can experience while writing.
The stuff you hope to get in the future through your the things you do today will feel insignificant once you have them.
Why not see this today my friend?
So you no longer feel pain, when things don’t work as planned.
So you no longer feel stressed when you make mistakes.
For there are no mistakes to be made if you see everything as a game that you are playing.
One day it will be ‘Game Over’.
So why not PLAY until then?
May you pick up the controller after reading this.
Talk soon
Here is my poem that summarizes the message of my letter.
Lost your controller in this game of life? (a poem)
When life is just a wondrous game.
Why chase meaning, success, or fame?
Just as nature runs its course,
Whether rain or sunshine bright.
With no meaning as its source,
Not good, not bad, but both alright.
So can you live with childlike play?
Embracing whatever comes your way.
So will you pick up the controller, my friend?
Cause this game of life will one day end.
Full message here:
PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to see it.
Feel free to reply to this email or DM me on social.
Or even approach me in life, I may look serious, but don’t let fear stand in your way