Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

Stop buying fear.5 min read

“One is never afraid of the unknown.
One is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

If you don’t know Jiddu Krishnamurti, you may learn more about him, as you may learn more about yourself.

So far he has been the only human being I’ve come across who was 

Pure beyond purity, 

Honest beyond self-honesty, 

And inspirational beyond the word inspiration.


Before we go to the truth about fear.

Why do you want fear to come to an end in the first place?

As Jiddu likes to say:

When fear, comes to an end. 

Not as an intellectual conception, 

Not as a hope, but as an actual fact.

The mind is made fresh, new, and innocent.

And can bring about a different world altogether


“When there is freedom, there is energy.

And when there is freedom it can never do anything wrong.”

~ J. Krishnamurti


In practical language…the consequences of not feeling afraid any longer, will bring a great deal of energy and freedom. Which may be the things we all long for in life.


So how does fear come to an end?


“You either deal with the root of fear or trim the branches of fear.”

~ Krishnamurti

Trimming the branches will make them grow back. 

Just a matter of ‘time’.


Time AND Thought are the root of fear.


Thought IS Time.

It is not different.


Think about it: it is only when you start thinking, that you know what day it is…


Thought & Time are necessary to take the train.

But are they necessary psychologically? 

Thinking they are necessary will keep fear alive.


I am THINKING of death.

THEN I feel fear.


I am not dying or dead right now, am I?

So I only feel fear because of thought and the concept of time.




But it requires a great deal of attention and focus to WATCH thought, to SEE time.

A state where the brain is watching itself all the time.

Where it is active and there is NO TIME for it to move or change.


So let’s try this right now.

Think about something you felt afraid of recently.

A situation or event that happened where you felt fear.


Fear of what?

Fear of death?

Fear of conflict?

Fear of loneliness?

Fear of homelessness?


Can you look at the feeling of this fear, without the words?

Fear of death, without the word death.

Fear of loneliness, without the word lonely.

Fear of homelessness, without the word homeless.

Fear of conflict, without the words conflict, argument, fight, and so on.


That is, ‘Is there a feeling of fear beyond the fear of the words themselves?’.

Or even more practical: Are you afraid of the word ‘death’ and all your associations with the word OR are you afraid of the actual (possible) ENDING of everything?


Are you afraid of the word ‘lonely’ and all your thoughts about the word?

OR are you afraid of the actual feelings of emptiness and disconnection that loneliness brings?

Facing life’s challenges without companionship and support? Being alone, isolated from others?


When there is freedom FROM fear.

You don’t need anything.

You don’t need gods, for you are no longer afraid.

You don’t need other people, for you are no longer afraid of loneliness.

You don’t need a house, for you are no longer afraid of sleeping under a bridge.

You don’t need to settle a conflict, for you are no longer afraid of losing control of yourself.


Let’s talk about that last one.

I experienced it myself this week.


I felt fear after I did something 2 days ago.

Where does this fearful feeling come from?

What am I actually afraid of?

Is it the fear of losing control?

Is it the fear of the unknown? 

Or as Jiddu likes to say fear of the known coming to an end?


Would I feel fear if I didn’t NEED the other person’s approval? Of him saying ‘You’re right Jordan’, I won’t do it again.


Would I feel fear if I didn’t NEED my own approval of the thing I did in the past?


Would I feel fear if I didn’t even need the NEED TO NOT FEEL AFRAID?


All of these things arise from thought and time, isn’t it?

When listening 100% to what is happening in the now, there is no thought, there is no memory.


Do you see this?


When you hear all the birds outside. 

The one’s nearby and the one’s on the trees in the far distance. 

When you can do this without escaping or trying to numb your feelings, but with a desire to see the truth, you start to see it all doesn’t matter, does it?


But how do you do this all the time?

It does require a lot of focused attention.

But not in the way you associate these words with ‘effort’.

More so an effortless effort that comes from a desire to really want to find out.

To REALLY want to know the truth.


Most people lack this.

If you lack this, don’t see it as bad.

Just understand what you really desire.

Find out what you really desire instead of creating the illusion the want to solve your fears.


Because finding out your real genuine desire, your uttermost priority, will give you the focused attention that is EFFORTLESS to get there.


And why spend your precious life creating an illusion for yourself to want something you don’t actually want most?


Why believe me, Jiddu, or others.

It brings me to a great quote…


“To learn about ourselves, not according to me or to some analyst or philosopher.
Because if we learn about ourselves according to someone else, we learn about THEM. Not ourselves.”

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

And if that makes you feel alone…


“Be lonely then. 

Why are you frightened of being alone? 

Because you are faced with yourself as you are and you find that you are empty, dull, stupid, ugly, guilty and anxious.


A petty, shoddy, secondhand entity. 

Face the fact; look at it, do not run away from it. 

The moment you run away fear begins.”

~ J. Krishnamurti

This one hit me hard.

Because it is so undeniably, recognizably true.


“Tradition becomes our security,
And when the mind is secure it is in decay.”

~ J. Krishnamurti


I notice this all the time with any of my activities that become routine.

And especially when things happen outside this routine.

When abnormal things happen, my mind gets shocked.

It can’t predict what’s going to happen.

It doesn’t like it.


Let me tell you a quick story that explains why letting go of the need of this security can leave you with extraordinary experiences and above all, energy unlike before.


Last weekend I was walking through the old city center as I normally do each Saturday.

I always walk the same route, with the same shoes, and eat at the same place.

But this time it was different.


An older man that I sometimes saw during my walk, approached me.

He started asking questions, he wanted to know who I was.

He could see the seriousness of this inner flame inside me.

This inspired him.


So he asked me to come inside his place and look around.

He is a private chef who has cooked for Angela Merkel, wealthy founders and so on.

I talked with him for half an hour.

I saw his kitchens and listened to his vibrant inspirational character. 


It was different.

My mind was shocked by an experience outside of its routine.


And here is the point.

It left me with a great amount of energy, inspiration, and passion.

I couldn’t stop myself from writing afterward.

I couldn’t stop myself from feeling inspired.


Exposing myself to disorder, without REACTING to fearful thoughts can bring energy of seeing with new eyes.


But as Jiddu likes to say…


The explanation is not the fact.

The word is not the thing.

Don’t believe me.

Don’t believe your ‘self’.

Observe without the observer.

And you can see the truth.


So may you demand yourself to ask serious, deep questions.

Instead of superficial questions that the world responds to with superficial answers.


May you find the truth, in a world full of lies, my friend.


If you want to learn more about the mind, you may watch this video next.


Talk soon



Here’s my poem about the essence of this letter.


I bought some fear, without 30-Day Return Policy (a poem)

Fear is just a trick of thought,


A future image our mind has bought.

But truth is found beyond the known,

Beyond the self and all we own.

In watching thoughts without a WORD,


The words of WISDOM can be heard.


Cause when you SEE with clarity,

The simple truth of what’s RIGHT here.

In the PRESENT, fully lived,

There are no FUTURE stories to fear.

For in that space of quiet seeings,

Is FREEDOM FROM all fearful beings.

And there, my friend, you’ll come to find,


The peace and truth you seek to find.


Full message here (when released):

PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it. Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] or DM me on social. I only respond to serious people.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

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