Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

Overcoming Founder Depression…3 min read

What is the deep-rooted truth for the founder who exited his company?

Now has millions in the bank…

He bought 2 cars…

Did some things…

Took time off… 


But quickly realized that this isn’t it and now feels stuck.


What is he to do?

Start another company?

He has a non-compete…

He can start something similar, same type of business, different industry.


But that doesn’t excite him as much.

It’s almost like playing a game with cheats.

That’s how he feels.


Which could be for various reasons, perhaps because it seemed too easy.

And now becomes boring.


From external success to inner wealth, 

The journey starts when one begins to understand himself. 

The money doesn’t really matter anymore.

Which was the reason why he started his first business.

He never thought about anything else back then, but now he can’t force himself to start a new company for just the money…


So he talks to his friends, family, other founders, hired a coach.

They all tell him, “Go follow your passion.”

But he doesn’t know WHAT.


What is the truth for this man?

Can we dig so deep that we find the root of the problem?

So that his problem may disappear.


It is like standing in front of the bookshelf.

And deciding which book to pick, which game to play.


Does he NEED to know WHY?

It seems an obvious question.


But when you ask women why they read a romance novel, they have never thought about it. Perhaps they don’t know ‘why’ they read them. The simple answer could be, “Well, I enjoy it.”


Romance readers may not know why they read, 

Perhaps pure joy is all we need. 

Will he pick a book that he enjoys while reading?

Or will he pick a book that promises him an end result?


Will he make the same decision?

Just like the motive for his first business was a ‘promised’ end result…

Which appears to be money at first glance, but actually was the promise of ‘happiness’ behind the dollars.


Will he make the same decision?


Will he pick the book that promises him FAME and the belief this will make him ‘whole’.

Or will he pick the book to make music that he enjoys creating and may or may not make him famous?


If so…

What brings him joy already?

Is there anything he’s already doing or has been doing or has been putting off for a long time?


Perhaps it’s very deep and it has been something that he wanted to do for a very, VERY long time. Perhaps never ever really started, or perhaps started but then quickly gave it up because his parents, teachers and all those who conditioned him told him it was not ‘practical’, ‘realistic’. Which quickly became something he believed. That there was no money in it, no future in it… That he was not talented for it…


A long-forgotten passion may wait, 

Buried beneath society’s weight. 

What could it be?

Is there such a thing in your life?

And what about trying that, my friend?

I’m not saying you should.

That doesn’t work.


What works?


Perhaps find out why you haven’t started that thing yet?

What has been preventing you all the time?

What is withholding you as we speak?


You know the answer why you haven’t started that thing.

Finding the right question to ask yourself, could make you start that thing, or it may not.

Either way, you may find the CLARITY you seem to look for…


Perhaps that’s the thing you really look for right now.

The clarity you had in your business.

You knew what to do.

The days were clear.

The goal was clear.


And now you find yourself in an unclarity.

Swimming in the sea of unclarity.

You don’t like it.

Do you?


Parents and teachers shaped his mind, 

Will he ever leave their words behind? 

What if you KNEW that you would survive the sea?

That sooner or later, you’d find an island.


The island of obsession.

The island you can fully control.

The island your heart longs for…


What if you KNEW you would find that island?

And that your way to get there is asking the right question…


Whatever is in your heart, my friend, may you find it.

For that island, may be the way to stop drowning and start living.


And if you want me to help you find it, by asking the right questions, you can send me an email, or schedule a call here.

You may watch this video next about a similar story.


Talk soon


Solid Ground ~ Poem

In English, he says: “I sold my company for 7-figures, but now don’t know what to do”


In Poetry I whisper:


Arriving at his DREAM of success,

REALITY sets in, an emptiness.

Millions banked, a triumph grand,

Yet feels a void, he can’t stand.

Two cars bought, a holiday, some rest,

But still, he feels no inner rest.

Friends and family, coaches say,

“Follow your passion, drive this way.”


But none sparks his light.

In a sea of options, none feel right.

What brings joy, what sparks desire?


A buried dream, a hidden fire?


Told impractical, dismissed with ease,

Yet in his heart, it longs to please.

What holds him back, why not begin?

aaah…CONDITIONED fears whisper within.

May he find what’s in his heart,

That island waiting to be found.

Beyond the ocean, the swimming, the drowning…


To LIVE on solid, joyful ground.


Watch The Full Message here:

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.