Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

Life is a Game, But You FORGOT to Play.4 min read

Life is a game.

BUT you forgot how to play.



You knew how to play when you were young…

You were always playing, weren’t you?


But as you got older you forgot how to win.

You started to look for games to play.

You started to play by ‘the rules’.

You were often AFK (away from keyboard).

You became an NPC (non player character).



Because you haven’t realized the only game there is to play.


Most people die without realizing they never really lived.

DISCLAIMER: I am a conditioned individual like you. I am not ‘better’ than you. I have not mastered life yet. I may have made some realizations that are absolutely true. But never ‘believe’ them. As beliefs will always be beliefs. Self-experimentation is the way for the serious person. So the unserious person may stop reading here.


Many people play many different games.

A popular one is the game of status.

There is not a best game.

There is not a bad game.

Everyone just plays one. Or two.

Some even win. 

Some even win big. 

But most never win what they want.

They only win what they think they want.


You may read that again.


Most people don’t know which game to play in life and thus they can never win.


So my question to you:

“What game are you playing?”


Playing a game, let alone winning, starts with understanding WHAT game you are currently playing.


You cannot leave,

What you cannot see.

You can do nothing with the joystick.

If you don’t know which game you are playing.

Most people are playing the game of money, status, power, love, and so forth.

Without realizing that winning those games won’t end their suffering.


“When you’re finally wealthy, you’ll realize that it wasn’t what you were seeking in the first place.”

~ Naval

Replace ‘wealthy’ with any of the popular games people play:

“When you’re finally [famous], [in power], [loved], [have a family], 

You’ll realize that it wasn’t what you were seeking in the first place.”


I have played the game of money for years, without realizing it is not the game I want to play, because the prize of playing that game won’t give me what I want.

By the way, I am Jordan, did over $4M in Revenue,

Hired over 50 people and started making videos in 2012,

I share this because humans care about numbers and appearance.

But the truth is that effectiveness > appearance is what works.

And many people play the game of ‘status’.


They ‘appear’ to look rich.

But aren’t wealthy.


You ‘appear’ to look happy.

But aren’t at peace inside.

As long as you focus on APPEARING to be free, you can never BE free, because other people and circumstances will CONTROL if you are.


You can never have ‘enough’ money.

You can never have ‘enough’ fans.

You can never have ‘enough’ love.


Everything and everyone in your life can never give you the ultimate peace of freedom FROM everything and everyone.


Do you realize this?

You are unserious if you believe me.

You are serious if you ask yourself.


You started to look for different games to play.

Without realizing YOU are the game.

The only game there is.


Mastering myself.

The game of self-mastery.

Is the end boss.


Unlike the games that other people are playing.

This game of ‘self-mastery’ is internal.

There is no ‘leaderboard’, ‘KPI’, or ‘number’ to measure.

The ‘score’ cannot be compared to others.

The game cannot be played ‘together’.

There is no ‘multiplayer mode’.

There is no ‘groupchat’.

There is only YOU.

You are alone.


Because only 0.00001% are playing this game.

And the % likelihood you will find one of the other 79 players is even less.

So then, how you you know if you are winning?

If you can’t ask anyone?

If you can’t read books?

If you can’t find the answer on Google? Or even Reddit?


How to know you are winning the game, instead of being played by it?

You no longer feel emotionally affected by wins nor losses.


The same situations do not change your behavior anymore.

You are in control.


To master the game of life.

You master yourself.

And there is nothing left.

But to play.

As long as you have an idea of who you are (or who you should be).

You will have a great desire to hold onto it.

The effect of this idea is great.

Self-image has consequences.


As long as you look in the mirror and all you can see is what other people made you see, you will never see what you truly are.

“What do you see in your mirror?”


Do you see Michael Jackson, ‘the magical artist’?

Do you see Elon Musk, ‘the world-changing founder’?

Do you see Cristiano Ronaldo, “the greatest athlete of all time’?




Do you realize this IDEA, is made up by everything and everyone else BUT YOU?

Do you realize you are playing someone else’s game?

Do you see you are just competing with them?


Competing will just make you very good at competing.

But it will never bring you to your true potential.

Because you will always ask the questions on how to win.

But never find out the answers to your ultimate possibilities.


“So how do you play the game of life?”

Is the question of the NPC.

“What would not be a wasted life?”

Is the question of the one, who may find a way to play.

Without rules.

With peace.


Here’s my poem about the essence of it all.

Because you love to be entertained & distracted while not asking yourself the important questions, don’t you?


You traded the truth for following rules,

Became an NPC, with fools in schools.

Why did you stray from the path you knew?

Lost in games that aren’t true.


Many chase status, money, and fame,

But find these prizes don’t ease the pain.

And when you reach the top,” they say with a sigh,

“You see? It’s just like Red Bull. It doesn’t make you fly.”

So alone you journey, seeking to find,

Truth within, peace of no mind.

No mirrors showing others’ reflection,

But your own true self, your inner direction.


So look in the mirror, who do you see?

A reflection of others, or truly thee?

For in that answer, you may find,

The key to start playing, the game of life.


Stop playing others’ games, my friend,

Your mind is your end boss, 

That’s the end.


Talk soon.



Full message here (when released):

PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it. Feel free to send me an email at or DM me on social. I don’t ask for money but only respond to serious people.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.