It’s a story from someone I came to know.
And I want to know the truth.
“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society” ~ J. Krishnamurti
Why do you feel depressed?
Even after buying your dream house…
Or your dream car…
Or finding your dream wife…
Or husband…
Or private jet…
Or yacht…
You have it, and now you feel depressed.
Isn’t it interesting that you link the two together?
You’re asking, I feel depressed after I bought it or after I got this or that.
It seems like there’s an implication in that…
By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan, 23 years old.
Did over $4.5M in Revenue.
Hired over 50 people.
And found out that these things actually do not matter.
What matters to me is the truth.
So what’s the truth here?
“I moved into my dream house, but I feel depressed.”
By saying that, you imply that you would get happiness after buying your dream house.
And now you feel lost.
Because you believed in this illusion.
Your belief strengthened during each year of hard work.
Almost like a tree.
The roots of your belief grew deeper and deeper.
But it broke.
You broke.
Because somewhere inside you have realized that you worked your ass of for years or even decades to get something YOU DIDN’T EVEN WANTED.
Maybe you think you’re the only one.
After all, not many people around you have achieved a similar level of success.
But a lot of successful people go through this.
A lot of people believe this illusion.
They believe in this postponed happiness.
“The real question is not whether life exists after death.
The real question is whether you are alive before death.”
~ Osho
So it is true that only now you can buy, you can afford the house, the car, the yacht, the jet.
Subconsciously you thought something would change, didn’t you?
After buying (or being able to buy) the mansion, car, yacht, or jet…
That you would feel better.
But now at this very moment, you probably feel worse, don’t you?
Don’t believe me, just ask yourself, do you feel better than 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago?
Right now you have it all.
Or so you think.
Enough money to buy it all.
Just like playing a game with cheats.
It got boring, empty, meaningless very quickly…
And now you may be thinking to yourself…do I want to stop playing this game?
What is there left to do? To win? To get?
Could it be that you have been playing the game wrong the whole time?
That you were playing the game of the artist for the fame, fans, awards, money and streams?
That you were playing the game of the athlete for the prizes, rankings, stats and prestige?
That you were playing the game of the founder for the employee count, revenue, status and power?
That most of the time you were focused and stressed about the future results but FORGOT TO PLAY?
But now that you have gotten one of your big goals…
Now that you touched it, used it, experienced it…
It is no longer interesting?
That you have seen now,
That how you played your game,
Will get you this,
And this is NOT what you want.
Now you’re lost, you do not know what you want.
You had a few days or weeks of glory, feeling on top of the world, and proud of yourself.
After making the big purchase, after experiencing ‘the thing’.
Have you forgotten how to play?
I’m asking.
I’m not suggesting.
Think about it.
What is it you’re looking for?
Are you perhaps escaping from a depressing empty feeling?
Trying all kind of things.
Perhaps self-medication, coaches, psychologists, talking with your family or friends, mediation retreats, and alternative ‘methods’.
“We get depressed. Then we get depressed because of the depression: a second depression follows. The first depression is normal, but the second depression is unreal.”
~ Osho
Maybe you have seen an increase in addictive behavior.
Drugs or Alcohol?
Use of porn?
All chases for pleasure. Or escape from pain.
They are not bad.
Gamble all you like.
Watch porn all you like.
Drink all you like.
Just understand the consequences.
Temporarily they make you feel good.
That’s not what you want.
So then what now?
You’re in that new house.
You bought that car, a jet, a yacht.
But you feel depressed.
Maybe, just maybe, you’re very lucky…
Why do I say that?
Because you are in a very rare position.
Because you attained some freedom.
Not the freedom you look for,
But the freedom that can provide the freedom to find what you are looking for.
You have financial freedom.
And the option to take the time to explore the depths of the truth about your own life.
While the majority of people will die struggling to make ends meet.
You found yourself in a rare position.
The financial freedom to find the truth.
So what is really the truth here?
It’s really difficult for me to tell the truth in your specific situation.
But perhaps you should not escape what you’re feeling when you’re feeling it.
“Can you look at your life without getting depressed, without wanting to change it? If you want to change it, you will change it to another pattern which will be equally confusing.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
You could be afraid of the feeling.
It may even result in panic attacks.
But the answer is not in escaping from it.
Maybe not even in asking questions.
Not even in ‘doing’ things…like anyone around you tells you…
…Go meditate
…Go find a psychologist.
…Talk to someone.
…Talk to us.
…Give us hugs.
…Hug every day and it will be alright.
…It’s the healing process.
…Give it time.
But these haven’t worked for you, did they?
Only some temporary comfort.
Do not believe me.
Do you SEE this?
Just look at your own past doings and what they gave you.
Are you free from suffering?
Now this leaves you.
What is there then?
What can I do?
What is the solution to make me feel better?
“To ask the ‘right’ question is far more important than to receive the answer.
The solution of a problem lies in the understanding of the problem.
The answer is not outside the problem, it is in the problem.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Maybe you should stop running away from the feeling in search of solutions.
What does that mean?
That sounds vague.
When you feel that way, can you ask why?
Where it comes from?
Start digging.
You’re in a very fortunate position if you really feel depressed.
Because for the first time in your life, you’re intrinsically motivated.
To find it.
It’s your biggest problem right now.
So naturally, you want to solve it.
But I can’t do that for you in this letter.
You either do it yourself, by yourself, or with someone who helps you find the truth.
And if you don’t…then doesn’t that mean you just don’t want it enough to stop?
If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.
And to end this letter, I want to share one more truth here.
You probably hold to believe that OTHERS have the answers for you.
That maybe I have the answers for you.
That someone else has the answers for you.
That you can find something online that will help you.
There’s some truth in this belief, but only YOU can find the truth, or else it will all remain BELIEF.
That’s why I only work with serious people.
And the truth about your feelings, that you may consider ‘depression’.
The truth is that it is not found in a solution.
You will not find a solution to the problem.
The problem is not solved with a solution.
The problem is solved when the problem is understood.
Once you have understood the feeling so deeply, so intimately.
When you have found the rock-bottom truth.
THAT is the END.
That is your ‘cure’.
Then you will feel free.
So are you ready?
Ready to be honest with yourself?
Open about this feeling.
Are you ready to find total freedom?
Or will you start your next climb?
Will you repeat the same cycle?
Trying to escape this feeling, setting a new goal, keeping the illusion alive that you feel better once you have this or that.
It’s not found in a journey, my friend.
It’s not found then..or on the next mountaintop.
It can be found right now.
You can find freedom TODAY.
And live in bliss for the rest of your life.
Or keep wandering losing yourself in the forest.
“One is never afraid of the unknown.
One is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
If you keep walking, trying to find a tree that can give you water, that can make you feel alive, you can keep walking…
You won’t find one.
You should not believe me when you meet me in the forest, on your way to find a tree of water.
Do not believe my words.
Just look at the path behind you.
Have you found one after all these years?
Have you found the tree that made you whole forever?
Talk soon
PS: You may watch this video next to learn more about the truth.
If you want private counseling with me, you can email me.
Ending Poem
In English, you say: “I Moved Into My Dream House, But Feel Depressed”
In Poetry, I answer:
Money, cars, and fancy things,
Don’t bring the joy I thought they’d bring.
Chasing dreams that weren’t my own,
Left me feeling all alone.
Years of work, a fortune spent,
To chase a promise never true.
The roots of hope grew deep and strong,
But hurt when the dream came true.
Now lost in rooms of polished stone,
I wonder what I’m living for.
Happiness seems far away,
Perhaps behind some other golden door.
Now I see the answer isn’t found,
In things we buy or goals we chase.
But in the quiet of our hearts,
Where bliss can find its place.
So I’ll sit with what I feel,
And dig until I find what’s REAL.
For in the depths of my heart, not my mind,
True bliss I might just find.
Watch The Full Message here (when released):
PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.