This won’t be standard parenting advice.
I only care about the truth.
Raising children who grow up rich requires your poverty of ego.
To start with, why do you ask that question?
What’s going on in the mind of the parent that asks this question:
“How do I raise my kids who grow up in wealth?”
I can’t avoid but to start with need.
You NEED so much from your children.
From ANYONE in your life.
I don’t blame you.
It’s not bad.
It’s true.
You have many needs.
You do not understand how many.
Words can do no justice to the unimaginable amount of needs in your life.
Just look what happens when you ask your child for a hug, but he or she refuses.
Your hugs are offered with the need for them to be taken.
You need your children to become successful.
…at school
…in sports
But you’re not a bad parent because of it.
It’s just the truth.
By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan.
Did over $4.5M in Revenue.
Hired over 50 people.
And found out that these things actually do not matter to me.
What matters to me is the truth.
Now why do you want your kids to be successful?
Why do you want to raise them ‘well’?
Where does this come from?
Is it because it makes you feel good as THE parent who has a successful child?
Or perhaps the fear of being THE parent with an unsuccessful child?
You likely worked hard for the wealth you’ve amassed.
And you want to make sure they work hard as well.
To the very least not have a spoiled kid.
Now why is that so?
Why are you afraid of a spoiled kid?
Is it because of the opinions of others?
It will cause a lot of pain if you do not fully understand your problem.
Because otherwise, it will continue to exist.
So let’s try to understand the problem at a deeper level.
I’m interested in the question:
How can you, even with a spoiled kid, even with an unsuccessful child who refuses to work hard, how can you remain in peace?
Because if you can do that…
If you are able to remain at peace in such a situation, in such a life…
Then it doesn’t matter anymore what your child does.
And perhaps that’s the situation where you will best be raising a child, isn’t it my friend?
When you do not have the need for him or her to be a certain way.
If you think this is impossible…
If you think this is not a possibility for a parent like you…
Then the consequences will be a life of dependence because your child will always become someone DESPITE YOUR WISHES.
Parental wisdom often pales against a child’s innate understanding.
One day your child will figure you out…
And subconsciously see you as an inspirational source of truth.
Or a source of lies, wishes, pressure, regrets, pain, and a parent who was not ready to be a parent.
What do you think it is THEY want?
Is it THAT different from other humans?
Don’t we all want happiness, freedom, peace, bliss, enlightenment…?
Don’t we all want the same but use different words for it?
Now you think you can GIVE your child THAT, don’t you?
That you can set them up for this success.
But aren’t your children much closer than you to HAVING this?
When you look at your children, don’t they have freedom?
Just look at your own children.
They’re not caught up like you in all these opinions and all this stuff.
They’re not conditioned yet by the dictionary of society.
They don’t even remember a ‘bad’ moment from yesterday.
But you do. You do remember all the mistakes, don’t you?
Employee leaves your company, someone steals money from you, business deal doesn’t continue, you lose a lot of money in the stock market. I can go on and on.
You can’t sleep because of these things.
But your children, they forget it the next day.
They don’t have stress. They just cry for a minute and then it’s over.
A child’s tears are momentary.
An adult’s regrets can last a lifetime.
But don’t believe me, just look at them.
See what they do.
What do you do?
How do you feel?
How did you feel when you were young?
So do you still think you have to TEACH THEM something?
And now your mind comes up: yes, there are valuable things.
Perhaps you’re so conditioned that you think you can teach them a lot.
Or perhaps you have seen some truth already and you know that there are maybe some practical things you can teach them, such as how the traffic light works, but apart from this you can learn more from them than they can learn from you.
Would you want your mind?
Think about it…
The greatest gift to your child is your own inner peace.
Parents will teach their children their conditioned beliefs.
You may think they are ‘good’ beliefs…
You may think you will lead them from bad beliefs, but beliefs are beliefs.
There’s no difference there. There’s no good, there’s no bad, there’s just consequences.
Perhaps the only thing you can help them see is the truth.
For instance…
Instead of telling your children that alcohol is bad or beer is bad, or partying should be done moderately, drinking should be done moderately, instead of that…
Help them see why they would do it.
Why did you drink alcohol for the first time if you did? Was it because of group pressure?
I’m sure you didn’t do it by yourself alone…
That you went to the supermarket for the first time and bought some alcohol by yourself, drank it by yourself in a park…
Now what is this group pressure exactly?
How does it feel? When does your child feel it? Who makes him feel this way?
Why does he want to be part of this group? Does he actually want to be part of the group AFTER hearing the consequences?
I wish I had known the consequences of ‘groups’ before all the suffering I had in my teenage years.
I always compare it with a crocodile in front of you and a snake, camouflaged next to you.
You see the crocodile coming, right? They’re not that fast and you can run away.
But the snake, hidden next to you is dangerous.
You don’t see it coming. It’s extremely poisonous.
Groups are like the snake.
The homeless man on the bench drinking beer is the crocodile.
It’s obvious to the child that he doesn’t want to sleep in the cold.
But his friends are a different story…he doesn’t see the danger.
And the more time they spend together, the more ‘normal it seems like.
This is the poison, this is the venom.
Even for the most dedicated, disciplined, motivated, inspiring athletes, and professionals in the world, even to them, it is extremely difficult to not be affected by groups.
So how do you raise kids?
True parenting begins when your peace doesn’t depend on your child’s choices.
If you want to know the truth, in everything, in your own life, in their life, if that’s something you naturally want, not because you want to make them a good kid, but because you know it’s the only thing, and for whatever reason, you’re interested in the truth.
Then I do not have to tell you what to do, how to raise them, because you will start to do things from within yourself, from a place of truth.
But if you do not want to know the truth, then you will basically raise them with your conditioning, with your beliefs. And they will live the same way you did. With the same mind you have.
And with that, I mean, the stress, the pain, the fear, the anxiety, all of it.
If that’s okay to you…To me, it’s not.
Before you can help someone else, you have to help yourself.
And only time will tell if you really want to know the truth.
Whatever path you decide to take, whether left or right, may you walk with wisdom.
The loudest parental lessons are often unspoken truths.
Talk soon
A Parent’s Poem
In English they ask: “How do I raise my kids growing up in wealth?”
In Poetry I answer:
Wealth surrounds, yet worry grows,
How to raise a child who knows?
Success and failure, right and wrong,
A parent’s fears, so loud, so strong.
But what if peace could be the way?
To let the child simply play,
Perhaps the young have more to teach,
Then all these lessons adults preach.
Truth and freedom, that’s the key,
Not the pressure of society.
Perhaps it’s we who need to learn,
From their pure hearts that brightly burn.
Watch The Full Message Here:
PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.