How do you manage multiple interests?
If that’s your question, then my question is, can you give me advice on what I should do if there’s a lion behind me right now?
Think about it for a second.
How do I manage a lion behind me right now?
I would not ask such a question, because my life is important to me.
So the question would never arise.
I would act.
Listen to your art.
By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan.
Did over $4.5M in Revenue.
Hired over 50 people.
And found out that these things actually do not matter.
What matters to me is the truth.
This is an analogy for your interests.
Aren’t you doing the things that you actually want to do? That are actually important?
And are you not doing other things because you think they’re not that important?
There is no such thing as ‘managing interests’.
So what is there to do?
Well, there is a thing that you can do.
And that is shedding yourself from all the ‘shoulds’.
Perhaps the should from your parents to play an instrument…
Or you should be good at school.
…You should become a doctor.
…You should become an athlete.
…You should play at the Olympics.
…You should make your nation proud.
What happens after you shed yourself from all these ‘shoulds’ and beliefs?
Then there is no belief left. If you really go down that route, there is no belief left.
What’s left is a blank canvas.
Only then there is purity.
A true internal interest.
Not a ‘should’,
Not a nice to have.
Something deep in your heart.
Perhaps it’s already what you’re doing right now. Perhaps not.
Paint your life, or it will paint you.
Whatever is left after you’ve shed or talked through all your beliefs (or a chunk of them for those who are lazy)…then you get closer to what you are born to do. Not a thing anyone else is telling you to do. But something you feel you are made for.
PS: I am not implying that it is limited to be ONE thing.
That’s not the truth. There can be many things.
So the answer to the question:
“How do you manage multiple interests?”
How do you manage anything?
You just slay down all the beliefs.
You see through all of the illusions.
And what you’re left with is a blank canvas where genuine desires can show themselves.
True passions need no permission, only space to grow.
The consequences?
No waste of time doing things for others or the beliefs they imposed onto you.
You’re not doing it for an ulterior motive, which leaves you with the glass half full rather than half empty.
If you have many interests like me (or you believe you have).
The best way to find out is to try.
There is no managing of ‘trying’.
You start when you’re ready to start.
You will do it automatically if the drive is big enough.
And your interests manage themselves.
Isn’t that perfect?
That’s the truth.
No need to convince you.
Don’t believe me.
Just look at it yourself.
Aren’t your interests managing themselves? Haven’t you started that hobby at exactly the time when you thought you were ready? Or most captivated by it?
See through the false.
You’ll be left with the truth.
And your interests will manage themselves.
Talk Soon
7 Passions Poem
How do you manage multiple passions?
Just look at the ones you already took action.
Not what others say you should do,
But what deep down just feels important to YOU.
Strip away the shoulds, the expectations,
Lose the imposed, false fascinations.
No need to manage, just let it be,
Your heart will lead you naturally.
Once you shed these ‘shoulds’ away,
You’ll find your truth; your heart will say:
“Here’s a blank canvas, pure and bright”
Ready for your OWN dreams to take their flight.
Watch The Full Message here (when released):
PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.