Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

He Cheated On You… Now What?3 min read

He cheated on her.

She’s a 27-year-old, successful influencer.

They have a multimillion-dollar house.

But he broke up with her.

A few days later, he told her.

What is the truth for this woman?


Let’s use an analogy.


Let’s say you are watching a movie in the cinema.


And you saw ‘that’ on the screen, the story, the cheating.

And the guy telling her what he has done.

She breaking up in tears.


When she hears it, she’s instantly in a lot of pain.


You can feel this.


​​Pain is a choice when you see the drama movie you live in.

Perhaps because you can see it happening to yourself…

Or it has happened to yourself and old memories come back, old pain.


But more likely because you are able to put yourself in her shoes.

You can IMAGINE being her and feeling that pain.


Now here comes the thing…


In the same way you can imagine yourself to be ‘yourself’.

In the same way this woman can imagine being ‘herself’.


Herself in her own movie…


The moment he is telling her.

And the moments after.


You will likely not understand what you just read.


Can you zoom out a bit and see your life as a movie?


In this case for her, more like a drama series at this moment…


Can you watch your movie, instead of playing your character?

Because what happens when you step out?

What happens when you see yourself from a third person?

What happens when you can really do that?


Not as a ‘doing’, but because you see it is true…


This is the moment, your mind may tell you to stop reading.

Because it is too far outside of your conditioned beliefs.

If you continue to read, read with caution.


What happens when you can start to see that you have created ‘yourself’?


‘Daughter of X’

‘Girlfriend of Y’

‘Wife of Z’


‘Anna the successful & wise influencer’

‘Sophia the caring partner & future mom’

‘Olivia the balanced lady boss with a stable life’


Your reaction to betrayal can reveal the lies you’ve told yourself.

The very moment you zoom out and see yourself as a character playing in a drama series on Netflix, there is no pain (nor happiness).


Don’t believe me.


Try it…


It is only when thoughts arise…

That you can start to feel pain.

So the question to her is perhaps…

Is she okay with this happening again?

Not with him, but with a different partner.


Because that could happen.


That’s the truth.


As much as she can do to try to find the right person AND check his phone AND do the right things AND asking the right questions on the first date AND whatever it may be…


It can happen again.


The only certainty in relationships is uncertainty.

Is she okay with that?


Is she okay with the pain she will feel if it happens again?


If she’s not…

Then there’s only one solution…


Realizing the truth.


What is the truth about cheating?


Let me ask you something…


If you grew up with the idea that cheating is good.

That everyone around you implied and even taught you, that cheating is good.

Just like going to the gym or eating healthy.

Then would you do it?

Probably, right?

Maybe not every day.

But if you gain status from it.

If your parents were proud of you after doing it.


Then you would probably do it…

So you will cheat if you really believed it was good, moral, ethical…

And your partner would do the same.

It would be ‘normal’…

Or even ‘expected’.


Just like NOT going to the gym…

Or NOT eating healthy…




You are fully invested in the idea that cheating is ‘bad’.

The truth is that there is no right or wrong.

There’s no good or bad.


There are only consequences.


Just like there are consequences to going to the gym, there are consequences to cheating.


Can you ask yourself…


“Why is it that I feel so bad after he told me that?”

Or “Why can I imagine myself being so hurt, if this would happen to me?”


Betrayal hurts because you’ve forgotten who you really are.

What thoughts arise that cause this feeling?


Are these thoughts true?


May you find the truth.


Talk soon


Cheating Movie ~ Poem

In English She Says: “He cheated on me, I feel broken”


In Poetry I whisper: 


In a house worth millions, they shared a life,

But he broke her heart, c*t like a knife.

Imagine a movie, up on the screen,

You see the betrayal, you feel her scream.

His words come out, her tears start to flow,

You feel her pain, you see her throw.


Betrayal reveals, the lies inside,

But when you see yourself on the movie screen, pain can subside

Don’t believe me, give it a try,

See the drama, from way up high..


It could happen again, with someone new,


Uncertainty in relationships is the truth.


Watch The Full Message here (when released):

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ( or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.