It was the year 2030, when Elon Musk arrived at a small, traditional temple.
Feeling tired and for the 2nd time in his life: unsure.
He had achieved so much in his life.
Built self-driving taxi’s, the best robots powered by AI and sent his first team to Mars.
But lately…
No matter how big the goals he accomplished.
Or how happy his shareholders may seemed.
He could not reach a satisfaction that seemed to last.
One that stayed with him…
He walked into the temple.
After a few moments of silence, he noticed the old monk he wanted to meet.
The monk sat quietly and smiled at him.
“What brings you here, Elon?”
Musk sighed…
I’ve accomplished every goal I’ve ever set.
We are even going to Mars now.
But each victory feels…empty somehow.
I thought I was in control, that success would bring me happiness. But now I’m not so sure.
“Ah, control,” the monk smiled.
“The great illusion.”
We believe we are the masters of our minds and destinies, but in truth, our minds master us.
We are enslaved by the images we created.
You know…
‘Elon Musk the successful founder’,
‘Elon the wealthy good guy’,
‘Elon the world’s savior’.
But they never satisfied you for more than 2 days in a row, did they Elon?
Musk leaned forward, “That’s right, but then how do I find real fulfillment?”.
“By seeing the truth.”
“By understanding every illusion in your life.”
“By realizing ALL that you are NOT, so you may start to see what you’ve always been.”
That all these things you’ve chased…
Your cars.
Your fame.
Your wealth.
Your children.
Your adrenaline.
Your adventures.
And even your mission to save the world and make Mars livable.
That all of these can NEVER provide lasting contentment.
Because they are built on a false foundation.
Elon asked…
Are you saying my work is meaningless then? That I should just give it all up?
The monk shook his head.
“Not at all. You shouldn’t do anything.”
“Understanding is the way to find what you’re looking for.”
Does your work come from a place of ego, of wanting to be seen as important?
Or does it arise naturally from your deepest self, without thought of gain?
When you create from that pure place, you will be at peace no matter the outcome.
Musk fell silent.
I’m not sure I’ve ever created that way.
I’ve always been driven, had something to prove. Maybe that’s why it’s never enough.
That’s right, the monk smiled.
When you have given up the NEED to ‘get’ anything from your creations or relationships, WITHOUT seeing that as a sacrifice, then you can TRULY ‘give’.
“And in pure giving, without need nor expectations, you’ll find the peace you seek.”
Musk nodded slowly.
This is a lot to absorb. I see now why you call it a ‘different world’.
It goes against everything I’ve believed.
“The path to that other world is not easy.
The mind will resist it with all it has.
But if your desire to find understanding in your life is pure, it will take you there.
And you will never be the same.”
Musk stood up gently and bowed deeply to the monk.
“Thank you for showing me the door.
I cannot promise I will walk through it today.
But now I finally know it’s there, ready to be opened at any moment.”
As he flew home in his private jet, he couldn’t help but smile.
For the first time, he saw a path to something greater than the fleeting highs of his worldly success. A path to knowing himself, and finally, finding true contentment.
If you want to learn more about this, you may watch this video next.
Talk soon
Elon Musk in 2030 (A Poem)
It was 2030 when Elon Musk, stepped out of his Jet.
Flown to a monk, he could finally met.
The old monk asked, “Elon, what brings you here?”
Musk said, “I’ve reached all my goals, but I’m not happy, I fear.
“Oh happiness, the grand illusion”
Why? Musk replied. “I thought success would make me feel good and in control.”
“Aah control, just another confusion”
Musk asked, “So how do I find real peace, I guess?
I’ve chased money, status, and excitement, but they don’t last, I must confess.”
The monk said, “See the truth, understand the tricks, do not stay blind,
Know what you’re not, to find who you really are, OUTSIDE your mind.”
Give what you want, but don’t expect ANYTHING in return,
For when you do, it is your peace that you’ll burn.
Understand who and what you are not,
And true bliss will be caught,
While happiness becomes an afterthought.
Full message here (when released):
PS: If you try to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it. Feel free to send me an email at or DM me on social. I don’t ask for money but only respond to serious people.