Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

a letter to read if everything feels empty, boring or unsatisfying4 min read

If everything seems boring…

If all that you think about doing seems pointless…

If nothing can give you lasting satisfaction…


Then you are not depressed.

You are finally ready to see that life is meaningless.


“Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.”

~ J. Krishnamurti

You see?

Most people are trapped in the cycle.

Unaware they are chasing riches, fame, power, status, love or something else they are brainwashed to believe will give them the satisfaction they miss in their lives.


But you are different.

If you are reading this, you have seen through some of these, if not all of these chases.

You see that they are pointless.


Maybe because you’ve gotten some of them.

Maybe you made a lot of money.

Maybe you become famous in your field.

Maybe you have the power or status you aimed for.

Or you may have found the love of your life.


Now you got it.

And it feels…



You think about the NEXT thing.

The next mountain to climb.


But when you are standing on the current mountain you climbed last year.

You take the time to look.

To look over the other mountains in front of you.


What you see is beyond disappointing.

You see mountains.

Mountains as far as you can look.

You imagine yourself standing on these higher mountains.

And you can’t help yourself from seeing the truth:

You are climbing these mountains for others.

You are climbing them for ulterior motives.

You can’t climb them any longer.

For you’ve seen the shoes you used.

They are not yours.

They are your neighbours.

Your father’s.

Your big brother’s.

Your friends’.

Your fans’.


But not yours.

The shoes hurt.

They hurt so much you can’t wear them any longer.

Not one more second.


And now you are standing there.

On the top of your current mountain.



Standing barefoot.

And even though the next mountain seems like a challenge.

A challenge to overcome barefoot.


You can’t.

You can no longer climb.


You lost interest.

And wonder.




If there are no mountains.

If there are no shoes that fit me.


Then where should I walk?

What should I conquer?

What is there to fight for?


While you are asking yourself these questions.

Take a look at yourself.

On the top of this mountain.


Take a look at yourself like if you were the bird flying above you.

What do you see?

What would the bird say to you if it could speak?


Do you think the bird is thinking about which mountain to fly to next?

Is the bird looking at you proudly, because you climbed this steep mountain with hurting feet?


Is this bird trying to find meaning in his life?

Is this bird CREATING a purposeful flight to the next mountain?

Or in a race with the other birds who arrives first?


What can we learn from this bird, that is looking at you as we speak?

The bird does not KNOW WHY he flies.

The bird does not know to where he flies next.

The bird is flying right now and just looks at you with clear blue eyes.


But you don’t even notice him.

Even though he is flying right above your head.


You are caught up in thoughts.

Thoughts about the past.

Thinking about the future.


Judging the next mountain as a bad option, based on your memories.

Memories of others telling you that mountain ‘fame’ is a bad mountain to climb.


So you think about the mountain behind it.

But mountain love seems painful after your last breakup.

Old memories come up when you look at Mountain Love.

Memories of betrayal, or frustration or suffering.


And this happens to each mountain you can see.

You don’t see the mountain.

You see the thoughts about the mountain.

Which prevents you from seeing the reality in front of you.

As long as you see thoughts instead of mountains,
you will feel the consequences of your thoughts instead of your beautiful sight.


It is in seeing clearly with an empty skull when you do not feel hope.

Hope for meaning.

Hope for perfect shoes.

Hope for the best mountain.

Hope for the ultimate view.

When you can see clearly, you see the beauty of your current view, which is all there is.

For past and future are not.


The hope in feeling satisfied on the next mountain has left.

And it has been replaced with hearing the bird flying above you.


He realizes his usual habit of getting caught up in the mind’s stories.

The free bird doesn’t get trapped in those made-up stories.


By understanding that thoughts are not real, he begins to taste true freedom. 

His understanding is new, but he feels free from defining himself by the clouds of thoughts.


“It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.”

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

For a while, old habits of buying into thoughts may still come up like clouds casting shadows. But over time, as his realization deepens, those clouds become less frequent and don’t stick around as long.


Eventually, he doesn’t even need to resist the clouds of turbulent thinking, because they have lost all weight and stickiness. 


Like the bird, he has realized his true nature as the open, endless sky itself. 


Allowing clouds to come and go, but never let them cloud his breathtaking view…


Talk soon



The Man on the Mountain Top (a poem)

A man climbed a big mountain high…


He looked at more mountains touching the sky.

He had money and things, but felt empty inside.

“What else should I get?” he wondered and sighed.

Then a free little bird floated by over his head,

Not climbing a mountain, just BEING instead.

The bird seemed so free with no goal to attain,

The man watched and started to see things more plain.

This moment itself was enough to just be,

No more mountains to climb, he could finally see.

He let go of wanting, like the bird he was light,

Each breath was amazing, each sight was so bright.

Not higher to go, no future to arrive,


Just being right here, FULLY alive.


Full message here (when released):

PS: If you want to work personally with me one on one, physically or virtually, then you can email me ([email protected]).
But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.