Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

I lost $1M Dollars…3 min read

“I lost a million dollars and I feel miserable.”

It’s the story of a 28-year-old trader who I came to know.

He has a net worth of over 11 million dollars.

And as always, let’s dive into the truth.


The cure for misery isn’t in avoiding loss of money, but in understanding the misery.

It’s the only permanent cure for his depressive feeling to NEVER return.


Let’s start with the first one.

Which plagues every human.




The moment when he finds out that he lost a million dollars…

Thoughts and thoughts arise…


“What if I did this instead?”

“What will happen next?”

“I should have done that.”

“If only I knew this.”

“I could have had so much money by now.”

“It will take me so many months, or years to make it back.”


And on and on and on.


Now these thoughts happen without his permission.

And from these thoughts, EMOTIONS arise.










He feels miserable because of it.

That’s a truth.

He feels that way.


It would be unwise for him to try to ‘escape’ this feeling.

He could try to bury it with a practice like meditation.

Or he could try to understand the emotion.

EXACTLY where it comes from.


The mind’s chatter is a storm.
Your awareness is the calm eye.

Not the tree, not the branches, not the leaves, but the roots.

Dig to the roots, for leaves only tell their story.


Where do they lead?

They are deep.

Like always.


They are not ‘easy’ to find.

Perhaps it is because most people don’t want to look into it.


It seems like ‘effort’.


Perhaps because very few people have seen it is the ONLY way to cure the emotion forever.


Perhaps it’s best to compare it to the leaves in a forest.

You understand that eating a leaf doesn’t do anything for you…so you don’t eat it.

And the thought of eating it never ARISES.

That’s what I’m trying to say here.

We can get into that state.

Whenever we lose a lot of money.

Whenever ‘big’ things happen in our lives.

By digging deep finding the end of the roots where these emotions rise from.


Emotions don’t ask permission.
They demand attention.
Will you continue to supply?



When you have seen for yourself.

What you’re TRULY afraid of…

What truly gives you stress…

Which person truly makes you feel ashamed…


I won’t go into the specifics for this guy.

But go into it yourself.

Follow down YOUR thoughts.

Where do they lead you?


But will you do it?

Will you REALLY do this?

Or will you just watch another video?

Read something else.

Go to bed.

Start with work.

Go and eat.


Not looking into it.


I’m not saying by any means that you ‘should’ look into it.

Because pushing people who do not want something, is not effective.

And pushing people who want to, will already do it without a ‘push’ or ‘carrot’.


Now that you know there is a way out. To never feel miserable again.

Whenever you lose a million dollars.

Now it’s simply up to you.


The truth doesn’t push.
It simply waits to be discovered.

Now that you know the truth.

Or better said.

Had an inkling into it.

Saw a glimpse of light.

Now it’s up to you to start walking towards it. Or not.

Nobody is forcing you.

Everything is alright.

We both die sooner or later.

And if you start to walk towards it.

And want guidance. You can email me, DM me on socials with your problem, or schedule a call here.

Please share details. I only respond to serious people.

And you may watch this video next.


Talk soon


I lost $1M Dollars ~ Poem

In English he said: I lost $1M dollars.


In Poetry I answer:


One million gone, a heavy blow, 

Now pain doesn’t let you go. 

All this anger, stress, shame, and pain, 

A cycle seeming to drive you insane. 

The choice is yours, to look within, 

Or let the same old thoughts begin. 

A million lost, but more to gain, 

If you can break this mental chain. 

So will you dive into the core? 

Or continue to open empty doors? 

No force, no push, the choice is clear, 

To face the roots of every fear. 

Millions lost or millions earned, 


Peace only comes when the truth is learned. 


Find The Full Message here (when released):

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ([email protected]) or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.