If you can’t find love today, you won’t find it in tomorrow.
This is a story about a 32-year-old woman that I came to know.
She’s a successful entrepreneur.
But struggling to find love.
On the surface…
It seems like this is her biggest problem right now.
The thing she wants most.
The RIGHT partner.
Subconsciously there is the illusion that only after she finds the right partner…
And the consequences of THAT…family, kids, and so on.
That THEN she would be ‘happy’.
No longer lonely.
No longer fake smiles.
No longer the feeling of wasting time going on dates with men that don’t match.
She wants someone real, a connection that is real, that feels real, that feels right.
She wants to find love.
We chase the idea of love, not love itself.
She hasn’t realized that the only thing she will find is attachment.
Right now she is attached to
…the idea of love
…the idea of the right person
…the idea of a family
…the idea of happiness that may come from that
…the ideas she sees on social media
…past memories of the ‘good’ moments
And this attachment is the very thing that is causing her pain, confusion, irritation…
And it will continue to cause her pain AFTER finding love, the right person.
Seeking love to fill a void will always leave you empty.
Because the love you seek is dependent, temporary, and conditional.
But I must make a big disclaimer right now.
Because I have absolutely no reason for you to realize this.
And I’m not saying you should realize this.
That you are attached to everything in your life.
You’re even attached to the hugs you give.
Don’t believe me just look what happens when you don’t get a hug back while you offered one.
When you smile at someone you’re attached to the idea of getting a smile back.
It’s in everything.
Finding love doesn’t end your cycle of attachment it often perpetuates it.
So if this woman can realize that the solution to her problem is not found in love, or the right partner, or a happy marriage or family…
But that it is found INSIDE her very attachment.
Only then she has a chance to be free from this pain, from this fear, from this irritation, from this stress, from this anxiety, from this heartbreak FOREVER.
Never experience it again.
Whether with or without a partner…
Whether with or without a family…
Whether with or without her business…
…and her money
…and her house
… and her Instagram account with 100K+ followers.
Whether with or without.
When she has realized all of the attachments.
When she has truly seen that for herself, not just READING these words passively assuming she ‘knows’.
Only THEN…
She continues to walk, trying to find a partner, but not with all this drive, not with all this hurt, not with all this need.
And ironically it may even be easier to find the right person.
Because it’s easier for others to see her attachments than herself.
And do you think your ideal partner wants someone with all this NEED and attachment?
It is very difficult for humans to look at themselves honestly, as they ARE.
From a third person.
A spectator’s view.
So if you are trying to find the truth in a specific situation in your own life, but can’t seem to find it, and want to work with me one-on-one to finally SEE it, never experiencing it again, then you can email me (info@jordankruk.com). But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious about solving their problem forever. Someone who wants to KNOW the truth.
To anyone else who wants to find out more about the truth in their life, you can find more of my work here.
Talk soon
PS: You may watch this video next about a similar story.
Success Without Love ~ Her Empty Glass
In English she told me: “I’m a successful woman, but struggle finding love”
In Poetry I answer:
She’s hungry, but searching for water,
She won’t find love, if it has blocked her.
She’s a woman I came to know,
At 32, her success did glow.
On the surface, it seems so clear,
That never finding love is her greatest fear.
She thinks a partner will bring her joy,
A family, a home with 1 girl and 1 boy.
But will she ever see these social media posts,
Rarely speak truth,
While she’s searching for water,
All she’s getting is toast.
Watch The Full Message Here:
PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me (info@jordankruk.com) or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.